Pristine ImpressionsPristine Impressions

Small Business: Chair

Pristine utilizes Enviro Responsible Solutions to remove foreign substances in the form of soils and stains. With using a low-moisture cleaning procedure, the chemistry that is initially performed is amazingly effective. In the second step of the procedure, carpet technicians will pre-spot carpet areas removing various types of stains and substances from the carpet. The third step, our technicians will operate commercial counter rotating brushes that agitates the carpet without damaging the carpet fibers eliminating soil. Pristine! Now you have clean carpet, however Pristine also include hot water extraction as a dual process that succeeds the low-moisture cleaning procedure.



Stained Carpet Cleaned

Pristine utilizes  Enviro Responsible Solutions to remove foreign substances in the form of soils and stains. With using a low-moisture cleaning procedure, the chemistry that is initially performed is amazingly effective. In the second step of the procedure, carpet technicians will pre-spot carpet areas removing various types of stains and substances from the carpet. The third step, our technicians will operate commercial counter rotating brushes that agitates the carpet without damaging the carpet fibers eliminating soil. Pristine! Now you have clean carpet, however Pristine also include hot water extraction as a dual process that succeeds the low-moisture cleaning procedure.

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    Pristine Impressions primary goal is to leave every client whether commercial or residential, with an everlasting perfect impression. If you have any questions please give us a call.

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    We operate from Monday to Friday and are ready to meet your needs.